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Frequently Asked Questions

What is SMART Tutoring? A structured, intensive tutoring program designed to help students who are either below grade level, struggling in literacy or English learners. It uses evidence-based curriculums that focus on students' literacy gaps.

How does it work? Experienced Teacher/Tutors lead no more than six students at a time in online tutoring sessions for four days a week in 45-60 minute sessions. It provides basic, fundamental instruction in phonics, grammar, writing and literature. Think Sylvan or Huntington tutoring programs.

Who is the program aimed at? Students in second through eighth grade with demonstrated literacy gaps and students who attend Title I schools or who can demonstrate financial need.

How do I know it will work for my child? Our students show an average Reading Lexile increase of 350 points over 8-9 months.

Will my child still get homework help? Yes, as time allows.

I'd like for my child to take fine arts lessons in piano, violin, brass, ballet, art or music appreciation? Not a problem. It's included in the program.

How much does SMART cost? It's free for low-income students and at a reduced market rate for middle-income students.

Are there any requirements? Yes. Students must attend at least 80 percent of the sessions offered in order to receive the scholarship.

How can you offer scholarships? Through funding from the NC Department Public Instruction, Charlotte COVID-19 Response Fund and other supporters.

How can I learn more? Email or call 704.372.3742.